Our Story
My husband (Andy) and I (Jennifer) live in a small rural community with our youngest daughter about 45 minutes outside of Milwaukee Wisconsin. Our older daughter, husband, 4 children and their labradoodle thankfully moved back to Wisconsin and live nearby. My sweet grandchildren ages 9 years old to 3 year old are part of our expert socialization team. Our labradoodle story actually started when our older daughter and her husband decided to become a guardian for a labradoodle from a breeder in Iowa.

Our grand-dog, Java from Shelby Avenue Labradoodles, was such a sweet and loving girl. We all fell in love with her right away. She was so smart, gentle and she didn't shed! We didn't know it at the time, but this sweet girl entering our family was the prologue of the Lake Breeze Labradoodles story.
Then, as you might know, our younger daughter (then 9 yrs old) wanted a dog. Having a new home filled with dark hardwood flooring and a Type A husband was not a match for a dog that sheds. So, you guessed it, it was an Australian Labradoodle for our household as well. So along came our handsome Sedona from Labradoodle Corral.

I had no idea how smitten I would become with him and how much he would add to our family dynamic. I decided that I wanted to be a part of providing the same kind of joy to other families that we found with him. The rest is history
...and we're still writing our story!